Arturo Solis Herrera
Title: The unsuspected intrinsic property of melanin to dissociate the water molecule; Implications in the context of diabetes
Biography: Arturo Solis Herrera
The human body has handled the glucose from the beginning of time. It knows do to the perfection, not be you forget. Glucose has been seen mistakenly as the quintessential eukaryotic cell energy source, but if so, diabetic patients would fly. Glucose is source of carbon chains, the building blocks of 99% of biomolecules; thereby, glucose provides precursors for many compounds including some aminoacids; but cannot aff ord the energy required to its own metabolism. In 1950s, the perplexing biochemical problem of energy coupling or how do living organisms capture available energy from the degradation of organic matter, or from from the absorption of light; and harness it to the performance of useful work such as biosynthesis, membrane transport and movement, was resolved apparently by Fritz Lipmann concept about ATP or some related “energy rich” phosphoryl donor, in spite no one knew was just how ATP is produced. In 1961, Peter Mitchell´s chemiosmotic theory modifi ed oxidative phosphorilation to purely chemical to electrical. The molecular mechanisms that underlie energy transduction seems to be gradually cleared. However, the question remains about how mitochondria harness the free energy or respiration and make it drive ATP synthesis up the thermodynamic hill. Furthermore, in spite nearly six million articles on metabolism published, we can, however, not fully understand metabolism. We think that the main problem is that glucose is not source of energy.
Aim: Obsevrational study of the micro-vasculature of the optic nerve, trying to identify morphological changes that can operate indicators of early disease in glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Conclusions: Nature just insists on important things, so it should be fundamental reasons for the omni - presence of melanin in the edges of the optic nerve. And our discovery of the ability of melanin dissociate the molecule of water, such as chlorophyll in plants, explains the anti-angiogenic effect of melanin, as well as the persistent high levels of oxygen in pigmented tissues. Concerning patent has already been granted by the USA, Russia, the European Union, Japan, Korea, China, India, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, and Colombia. Melanin has the unsuspected intrinsic chemical property to dissociate the water molecule, transforming visible and invisible light into chemical energy separating the liquid water into its gaseous components: hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). Th e sacred role of glucose as source of energy, now is broken down into thousands pieces. Our body has the astonishing capacity to take energy from light, dissociating the water molecule, as chlorophyll in plants, a discovery that open a new era in biochemistry.